Uni – sea urchin. Most people I know are huge fans, but every now and then I’ll meet someone who’s never had it and they’re a little uneasy but they usually all come around. 🙂
Kittens. The perfect bite. Afternoon naps. Falling asleep on one side of the world and waking up on the other side. Pizza in a bathtub. The way a person’s face lights up when you show them something they’ve never experienced before and they love it – love at first sight. Ranch Dressing. Cool Ranch Doritos. Spotify premium. Making new friends.
All of the BFFs I have now! I can’t live without them and no one I know dead or alive would accept me and my shenanigans into their hearts like my current BFFs already do. 🙂
My friends, family and food.
NOODLES. In any way, shape, form or sauce.
Garlic hitting a sizzling, hot pan in my mother’s kitchen.